Friday, October 4, 2019


Statement of Intent

For my magazine, my intentions are to create an entertainment magazine based primarily on the entertainment surrounding film and TV. Including actors, actresses, TV stars and Entertainment show hosts along with incorporating theater performances and any news that involves film. I aim to focus the content in order to provide the information for a 16-25 millennial AB audience as I will be including actors to feature in action films and romance films which are popular among this target audience. Whilst the contents page features stories regarding new films, hints of music that feature on the film and any gossip regarding celebrities. Interviews from the actors and any celebrities will be included on the website along with 'new updates' and 'recaps' from the shows, it will also be mentioned in the magazine contents pages. The genre of entertainment will shape and influence the content, style, typography, fonts and colours of the magazine as I would like the features to grab the attention of the audience and be dramatic to fit the conventions of an entertainment magazine. My colours on the website based around white, red, black and minimal but effective green are all colours that will attract attention and emphasise the information that will be being broadcasted on the website and contents pages etc.

My magazine company, CIRCA MAG features primarily film entertainment therefore the font of CIRCA will be large and dominating and will include a logo for my brand which will feature on my social media accounts and website in order to fulfil convergence. My models featured in my magazine covers, contents page and website will cover different ages and ethnicities to ensure the magazine is cultural and modern and fully representative of everyone. To incorporate mise-en scene I will feature different camera angles/ shots and plain, simplistic, minimalistic backgrounds for the settings of the shots featuring the people to ensure the focus remains on the actors, their costumes and facial expressions.

I will feature a simplistic skyline on the front of the magazine anchoring the feature of the magazine, being the 'Actor of the Year'. I will incorporate the magazine conventions into both features such as plugs, the masthead, the main image, logo, anchors etc.

On my website, I will feature a ‘teaser’ of the 2 magazine covers I created – ‘last week’s edition’ and ‘this week’s edition’ I will provide convergence by ensuring the same fonts are used throughout and providing the same logo. I will include images and settings of the films I am promoting and will include the interviews and soundtracks. The social media links will link up to the accounts – the Instagram; ‘@circa.mag’ and twitter ‘@circamag’ and maybe a facebook/ youtube. The feeds of an interactive discussion through twitter will be featured on the website regarding a celebrity and the new film coming out. Along with a subscription option that will scroll with the page, along with the top banner which has the CIRCA MAG brand name. In the website I will include a FILM page including an article

My brand will achieve synergy as I will improvise using ‘the rolling stone’ and ‘entertainment weekly’ magazine website layout incorporating a range of others as well.